U.S. Dry Bean Council Starts Social Media Campaign in Brazil
USDBC initiated the #feijaotododia campaign in Brazil with the aim of developing a community of consumers who are interested in knowing more about beans and discovering innovative ways of preparing them. The campaign will use social networks as the main means of communication. To this end, an account on Instagram (@feijaotododia) And another on Facebook (feijaotododia) were created at the end of June 2020. A website was also developed (www.feijaotododia.com.br) in which recipes, curiosities and health benefits will be published.

Instagram @feijaotododia
What is USDBC?
The United States Dry Bean Council (USDBC) is a private trade association made up of leaders in the American bean sector whose common goal is to promote the edible bean trade, both in the United States and abroad, and educating consumers about the virtues of beans. USDBC is privately financed; its representatives work closely with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in foreign markets and often co-sponsor activities with the US government. To learn more about the work of the USDBC, visit www.usdrybeans.com