About USDA Brazil

Sobre o USDA Brasil

A The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is represented in Brazil by three offices:

Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA)
OAA spearheads the dialogue between the governments of Brazil and the United States in matters related to agriculture and works to make relations in this field closer.

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
APHIS is responsible for the procedures regarding the sanitary and phytosanitary inspection of animal and plants for export and import.

Agricultural Trade Office (ATO)
ATO’s mission is to assist U.S. companies that export food, beverages and other agro-industrial products the Brazil market. ATO also assists for free Brazilian companies looking for U.S. products. The office offers its infra-structure to ensure that the contact between exporting U.S. companies and Brazilian importers takes place quickly and is successful.

What We Do

Among the services that are available without costs through USDA’s offices in Brazil are:

Ícone - Relatórios de Commodities

Commodity Reports

Periodic estimates of supply and demand for agricultural commodities.

Ícone - Relatórios Setoriais

Sector Reports

Highlights important data about the various Brazilian food distribution sectors.

Ícone - Análises de Produtos

Product Briefs

Highlight the market segments in expansion.

Ícone - Oportunidades de Negócios

Promotional Opportunities

Each year ATO makes available to the U.S. market the main trade shows related to the agriculture sector in Brazil.

Ícone - Feiras

Trade Shows in the United States

USDA promotes the most important agriculture trade shows in the United States and, through its staff, assists Brazilian importers to attend.

Ícone - Viagens Técnicas e Treinamentos

Technical Visits and Training

USDA has tools to promote technical exchange between the United States and developing countries.


Agricultural Trade Office (ATO)

Agricultural Trade Office Director (Incoming)

Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA)

Fred Giles
Agricultural Counselor

Nicole Podesta
Agricultural Attache

Joseph Degreenia
Agricultural Attache

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

Shelley Mehlenbacher
Agricultural Attaché

Adrianne Brown
Agricultural Attaché

Agricultural Trade Office (ATO)

U.S. General Consulate in Sao Paulo

Rua Thomas Deloney, 381 – Chácara Santo Antônio
CEP: 04710-041 – São Paulo, SP – Brasil

55 11 3250-5400


Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA)

U.S. Embassy

Avenida das Nações – Quadra 801 – Lote 3
CEP: 70403-900 – Brasilia, DF – Brasil


Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)

U.S. Embassy
